No Weddings
Author: Kat and Stone Bastion
Publisher:Kat Bastion with Stone Bastion
Series:No Weddings #1
Pages:Paperback, 230 pages
Genre: Romance
Release Date: September 8th 2014

Award-winning author Kat Bastion teams with her husband, Stone Bastion, in this first book in the No Weddings Series about Cade Michaelson, a successful man with his sights set on a new venture in business, and Hannah Martin, the woman who makes it personal.
I think I have my act together as a successful bar owner, my master’s degree within reach, and a list of no-strings-attached women warming my bed. Turns out, I don’t.
Hannah believes she has safeguarded her wounded heart by shunning men and focusing on her new baking business. The thing is, she hasn’t.
When my three sisters and I form an event-planning business with Hannah as our baker, I have no idea how my life is about to change. As Hannah and I work closely together, the attraction between us becomes irresistible. And complicated. I’ve promised my sisters I wouldn’t mix business with pleasure. But I’ve never been one to follow the rules.
When I first saw that Kat Bastion is releasing a new series and having a book tour, all I could think was, that I wanted in. I hadn't even read the blurb nor had I any clue what it was about. But I have read Kat's previous book, and though it had a love triangle - and let's be honest I totally loath those- I really loved it. Not only that, I adore her prose. Again, as you know, I am a sucker for good prose. Hence my reaction- simply was don't care about anything, I want in. Then I noticed the cover... and I admit it, again... the cover slut in me was full of glee. Writing this... obviously I am one of the lucky devils, who got to take part in the tour. *smirks gleefully*
Now, I should mention, I did read the blurb before requesting the book. Cause, well, experience taught me that much, and frankly even my inner cover slut and the love great prose would make me read a book without reading the blurb. I found out it's a contemporary romance co-authored by Kat's husband Stone.
Now, I know you are thinking, why the hell is she babbling on about this? I promise there is a point to this. Here it goes. I expected great prose, obviously. Well, go on: check my rating.. As you see I wasn't disappointed. I also for some reason expected two POV. But that isn't what I got. This is all written from Cade's POV. Cade's rather typical male but very witty view of life made me grin a hell of a lot. The banter between Cade and Hannah is definitely the best part of the book. Their chemistry tangible. And while there was kinda insta-lust- well actually I guess it was more insta-attraction- their relationship evolved slowly, a friendship blossomed and trust was built in excruciating snail pace.
Which makes this a rather unique contemporary romance. No insta-love in sight. AT ALL. *sighs happily* Which makes this an awesome story line.
But sadly my biggest issue with the book was also the plot. It was really slow. Some of the scenes way to elaborate. The pace stifled by that. As example there is a function and Cade's mother gives a speech.. the entire speech was printed. All I thought was, yeah yeah very moving and all, but I don't care about that. I wanna read about Cade and Hannah... There were several more instances like that one. Thought the above mentioned probably the most extreme.
Then again. This is a character driven novel. And the character building has been done meticulously. Really, superb in fact. I really loved Cade's relationship with his sister and friends. I gotta care about Hannah. Well, literally every side character in this series. But at times I felt it was a bit too well constructed. I know that sounds weird, but at times it felt like this was too well planed. I know it's an odd way to put it, but maybe it was a tad to cliche? I am not sure, cause I can't actually point out what it was, but some scenes just felt constructed and obvious. Not really bad don't misunderstand me. It's minor, just at times. At other times, it felt so real so heartfelt so unique, maybe that's why the times it didn't stuck out.
The prose. It is beautiful. Just as expected. It is subtle, straight to the point and heartfelt. My favorite bits were scenes of Hannah in the bakery, Cade on his bike... just so.. I dunno... touching? Well, for a lack of words- since we all know I ain't no writter- touching it is. But I mean by that that I struck something in me, touched my heart kinda thing. And here I shall stop, cause we all know I am a heartless ... you know.
I was left with loads of questions, no not that many about the book. It ends on a high point. And open ending, not really a cliffy. Naturally I wanna know what will happen next. But those are not the questions that are circling in my head. NO. I wanna know more about Kat and Stone. How their collaborations worked. Where do their ideas come from. Does it have any thing in common with their real life.... in short I wanna pick their brains!
Cause not only did I enjoy this novel and am definitely gonna read the rest of the series. No I am intrigued and fascinated by the fact that this is a result of a collaboration of two married people.
A wee side note (and warning):Though there is lots of chemistry, lots of lusting and plenty of heat- there are only TWO kisses. So virtually no smut. I am saying this, for my smut-loving reading buddies. So you were warned.
Frankly while there was plenty of drama and plenty of me wanting the hit them both over their heads, I also could relate to their commitment issues. And the kisses were so rewarding so I was more than happy with this. Except than the book ended and all I could think of was when the feck will I get the next one?!
WELL the good news, this one is out for anyone to read. AND lucky me is reading One funeral - the sequel of No Weddings- as we speak.

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