Just Friends

Publisher: Everafter Romance
Series: Friends #1
Pages: Paperback, 330 pages
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: September 13th 2016

It’s the end of summer. Just before I start senior year with my two best friends in the whole world. Dustin and Emily are everything to me. We’ve been inseparable since middle school, and when we’re together, nothing can go wrong.
But things aren’t always what they seem. Em’s turned into a drunken mess who parties too much. Dustin and I have hooked up a few times―and now he’s ready to take our relationship to the next level. Yet I’m not sure I want things to change. I’m scared if I take it any further with Dustin, our friendship will be ruined forever. Then there’s Ryan. The new guy. He’s hot. He flirts way too much. And Em has totally set her sights on him.
So when my best friend betrays me in the worst possible way, guess who’s there to help me pick up the pieces of my broken heart? Ryan. But he’s so confusing. Annoying. Sweet. Sexy. I want to trust him, yet he makes it so hard. What I really want is for everything to go back to the way it was before.
Before I found out that best friends make the worst kind of enemies.

About the Author:
Monica Murphy is the New York Times, USA Today and #1 international bestselling author of the One Week Girlfriend series, the Billionaire Bachelors and The Rules series. Her books have been translated in almost a dozen languages and has sold over one million copies worldwide. She is both self-published and published by Random House/Bantam and Harper Collins/Avon. She writes new adult, young adult and contemporary romance.
She is a wife and a mother of three who lives in central California on fourteen acres in the middle of nowhere along with their one dog and too many cats. A self-confessed workaholic, when she's not writing, she's reading or hanging out with her husband and kids. She's a firm believer in happy endings, though she will admit to putting her characters through angst-filled moments before they finally get that hard won HEA.

My first reaction when I finished this:
What does soon mean??? I want more of this.
Let me warn you: This is high on angst, high on drama and full of teenagers going at it, whom you might wanna smack BUT it is so so so enjoyable!! You might not be able to stop until you done with the book.
Murphy's writing is just right. She pushes the drama high, but not too much. The chemistry is off the chart, we get just the right of smut... everything is balanced just right, that I kept reading, even if I was exasperated. I devoured the book actually. I thoroughly enjoyed this cleverly crafted novel.
The storyline is good. Lot's of romance and mostly friendship dramas. I could see quite a few things coming of a mile. I have an idea what possibly will happen next... But actually for me this is not so much about what happens, but totally character driven.
Meet Olivia also known as Livvy or Liv. The book is told from her POV. Olivia is senior in High School has two best friends and is trying to figure out how she feels about one of them...She is actually pretty likeable but quite a hypocrite if you ask me. She is also, well, annoying and stupid and yet I get her. I understand her confusion, her doubt and her actions. I actually can't believe I do, because frankly, she does act rather like a out of control teen half the time and the other half totally stupid. Okay that's a bit unfair, just a quarter of the time stupid. Still she isn't going to win an award for her choices. With all the dramas and the games they play with each other, especially the supposed best friends, Liv changes. And she does do some growing, most importantly she does examine herself and her actions.
I found her relationship with other girls really interesting. Again, Murphy does an amazing job at getting it right. Because who hasn't had a toxic friend? Who wasn't a hypocritical teen? Yep I think most of us. Liv is not mean, not purposely so, and her choices while at times annoying are not surprising. Which makes this so enjoyable.
Each and every character in the book, is like that. There is no black or white just loads of grey. And at the end of it, we don't exactly know where they going to end up. Which is why I can't wait for the next book!
Most girls in this book are very tricky, the totally dishonest. They will say and do what they need to, to please a guy. The boys are basically homonal mensluts-who all use the girls, and make no secret of it. Halfway through the book, I thought, gosh not all teenagers are like that, I know they are not. Then things kinda shift in the book and we get to see what's behind the way the girls behave. And frankly I know plenty of women who would feel like that. Somehow Murphy took a super dramatic highschool romance and threw in some pretty interesting things, in a very sly manner I might add. Quite frankly, that's pure brilliance.
So high drama, a nice amount of smexy, hot guys, super entertaining, well written novel, that leaves you pining for more. Need I say anything else?
Now can someone tell me what soon means, please?
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